March 07, 2023

Preferred Mutual Partners with Hi Marley to Adapt to Customers’ Evolving Communication Needs

On average, people in the U.S. check their phones 344 times per day, or once every four minutes.

“Almost everyone always has their phone in their hand,” said Daniel Thall, Property Operations Manager at Preferred Mutual. “It’s often easier to reach someone by text message than by phone, and we needed to communicate with our customers the way they wanted and knew Hi Marley could help.”

Recognizing that most customers prefer texting as a communication method, property and casualty insurance provider, Preferred Mutual Insurance Company partnered with Hi Marley to provide its customers and employees with communication options.

“The fact that we could implement the Hi Marley Insurance Cloud as an out-of-the-box solution was a big draw,” said Thall. “We could start using it on a web browser without integrations or changing our client system or any other system to make it work.”

Text Messaging Improves Efficiency, Resolves Claims Faster

Almost immediately, Preferred Mutual experienced benefits regarding its response time and speed using text messaging.

“Hi Marley not only has helped us with fast responses, but we’ve also significantly reduced voicemails,” said Courtney Dymes, Claims Manager at Preferred Mutual. “We can get in touch with our customers quickly and efficiently with text messaging. With the telephone, we often call and leave a message, then wait for the right time of day to call back and hope for an answer—and we know how that goes. But now, with Hi Marley, we can resolve the issue via text, or if the claim requires a phone conversation, it’s quick and simple to say, ‘Hi, I received your message; when is a good time to call back?’.”

She continued, “Hi Marley helps our adjusters’ overall efficiency, they can easily receive and review photos of an accident, and the next minute help coordinate a rental.”

One claim was settled within five minutes, all through text messaging.

“It was a simple towing claim, but we reached out to the insurer, they responded, we confirmed no injuries and whatever else we needed for coverage and let them know the payment was on the way in a matter of minutes,” said Thall.

Adjusters Appreciate Ease-of-Use

The Preferred Mutual claim reps appreciate the simplicity and ease of getting in touch with claimants and how much time they have back in their day because they can resolve issues faster than by phone calls.

 “What I love about Hi Marley is the amount of time it saves me every single day,” said Angie Ellis, Claims Adjuster at Preferred Mutual. “I would estimate it’s saving me at least two hours on average per day—a quarter of my workday. It’s so much time that I’m getting back to work on claims, so that’s my favorite thing about it.”

Responsiveness Drives Customer Satisfaction

Hi Marley’s recent study found that timeliness of overall service, including fast response, is the second biggest driver of 5-star reviews. Knowing that responsiveness is a critical component of the claims experience, Preferred Mutual was thrilled to hear positive feedback from customers who opted-in to Hi Marley.

“Our customers continue to comment on how we got in touch with them ‘super fast’ via text,” said Dymes. “And with less time playing phone tag, our adjusters spend more time providing better, more personal customer service.”

Hi Marley helps Preferred deliver on its promise to customers to “be there when you need us.” With CSAT scores around 4.5/5 stars, it’s clear Preferred Mutual’s customers appreciate the convenience, flexibility and speed that text messaging offers.

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