April 06, 2023

Mutual of Enumclaw Selects Hi Marley as Zipwhip Replacement

When Twilio announced Zipwhip would permanently shut down on December 1, 2023, Mutual of Enumclaw (MOE) needed to find a new partner for its texting needs.

“We found out Zipwhip was shutting down, and we needed a new way to text our members,” said Derek Prior, Claims Shared Services Manager at Mutual of Enumclaw. “We started looking at various options, and when we saw the Hi Marley Insurance Cloud, we were impressed.”

Easy Transition Ensures Seamless Customer Experience 

MOE was able to transition to Hi Marley easily. The process was straightforward and required little IT resources to get up and running.

“Our employees love Hi Marley. It’s very easy to use. The platform is robust, but there’s nothing complex about using it,” said Prior. “We were able to transition with no hiccups.”

He continued, “There are many things Hi Marley offers that allow us to provide better customer service, like the language translation, assignment features—where we can reassign a case to someone else or add a secondary person—and the reporting within the tools offer more details than what we had before. With the admin features, we have much more control over the product and what our users can do.”

In its 125th year of operations, MOE continues to improve its customer service, blending its respect for the past with a commitment to the future in a rapidly changing world.

“We’re smaller, but our size enables us to get to know our members and provide them with personal, individualized care,” said Prior. “We go above and beyond to take care of our members and ensure they can reach an actual human when needed and always feel supported. That’s where texting comes in; it gives us another way to update our members and keep them informed on what’s happening with their claims. That’s been a tremendous success.”

Enabling Faster Cycle Times

Text messaging helps MOE give and receive quick responses, ultimately getting the information they need faster and reducing cycle times.

“People don’t always answer phones or listen to voicemails, and emails are easy to ignore until the end of the day if it’s not urgent,” said Prior. “But with a text, people generally respond right away.”

While the entire claims department uses Hi Marley, the auto damage and total loss teams have the highest adoption. With Hi Marley, sharing damage details and photos is easy, enabling faster photo estimates and total loss evaluations.

“The total loss team is committed to getting their claims settled fast, so it’s beneficial to be able to get immediate contact and answers via text,” said Prior. “With Hi Marley, they can quickly receive videos of an accident or photos of the damage; it makes the process so much easier and enables those speedy settlements.”

Hi Marley’s intelligent translation also helps MOE resolve claims faster. “We have language transcription services we can use for voice communications with a customer, but Hi Marley’s translation feature allows us to skip that, and we can translate right within the text conversation—it’s a feature everyone loves.”

Communicating via text also saves time and mitigates errors by capturing all media and messages in one place.

“Our adjusters love it,” said Prior. “They can easily share documents via text, and it automatically uploads to the claim file, so they don’t need to worry about manually adding transcripts to the claim file later.”

Building a Strong Partnership

Signing up with a new vendor can be scary; a company must trust that the solutions provider will deliver on their promises.

“Hi Marley’s customer service is impressive,” said Prior. “Working with Hi Marley has been a pleasure. We have monthly check-ins, and our Hi Marley team, Brennan Sarazin and Bryan Ginsberg, are great at following up, ensuring our needs are being met, keeping us in the loop on the latest releases, and just overall making sure we’re getting the most out of the platform. I can’t say enough about the support we’ve been given. The customer service has been amazing.”

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